Shoot Du'a: is it really enough? Saturday, November 17, 2012 ( 11:27 pm )
Assalamu'alaikum. Hi. It's been a while. I've had a lot of things in mind that I wish to share here, but I feel that what I'm about to share has the most urgency. I'm pretty sure everyone is well aware that Muslims had recently came into a new year. How did you welcome the new year, my fellow Muslims? How was your Maal Hijrah celebration? I know I spent mine with Imam Muda Fakhrul. He gave a talk on something about the young generation and on how to be a better generation. He's a funny guy. Likes to sing. Well yes, he is interesting. But how about our Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza? How about the Rohingyas? I'm pretty sure you're well aware about them, too. One moment, please. I'm trying to think of the most appropriate way to voice out what I want to voice out. So imagine that I've just asked myself two questions. Yes, I'm aware of the cruelty going on around the world right now. The most obvious one right now is the attack on Gaza. Innocent children are dying. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, too. And yes, I am emotionally affected. And I would like to do something about it. But how? Think what the two questions could be. And now ask yourself the two. I will not ask you and only you will do. But I will ask you to do this one thing. 1. Open a new tab or window. 2. Go to Google images, and Google Gaza. 3. Scroll down the page to the furthest you can. 4. Now Google Malaysia, or Kuala Lumpur, or any part of the country (if you're Malaysian that is. If you're not then you could just Google you're own country. Not a problem at all). 5. Scroll down the page to the furthest you can. Gaza Google images results: ![]() Kuala Lumpur Google images results: ![]() Well yes I know how ugly Malaysian politics are at the moment. And I am not by any means proud of it. Especially when some(not all) of our Muslim politicians are throwing hate speeches at each other and all you see is ugly stuff about them revealed in the paper from day to day. When they should be using all that energy used for hate speeches in fighting for Islam! But anyhow, shall not get emotional. I am thankful with what God has given to me and with how He has made my life like. It's not perfect, but that doesn't mean that I don't have to go out looking for perfection. I see alot of tweets and posts on Facebook about "don't forget to pray for Gaza" and "free palestine!" and "boikot McD!" and other tweets and posts equivalent to them. Now I'm not saying that it's wrong. In fact, thank you for spreading awareness. Thank you very much for sharing. But then I wonder, is that all we can do? Would be enough to only "shoot" du'a and share images of the Gaza attack on the social network? And that's why I decided to write this post. Now I'm not here to write on something you already know. I'm here to make it more of an extra input and hopefully, in sya Allah open up your minds a bit more. But I know that writing this post is not the best I can do. Do you know what is the best I can do? Do you know what is the best YOU can do? Let me share with you something from Ibnu Batoota's Facebook status. It reads: "Apakah cukup dgn sekadar brdoa buat saudara Islam kita di bumi Palestin sana? He said something about an Israeli soldier was on a look out on Muslims at a mosque at the time of Subuh. He left once the Subuh prayers had finished. The reason that he did so, is because he believes if the number of people who perform Subuh prayers at the mosque is equivalent to those who attend Friday prayers, then Israel will be doomed. But since that didn't happen, the Israeli soldier leaves in peace, thinking that Muslims can never beat the Jews. Ibnu Batoota further mentioned that the obvious thing to do now is to make yourself a proper Muslim. Follow what the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w has taught us. Fix yourself first so that you can make sure that you can fix up a good du'a. Just like cooking. If you don't know how to cook, you don't have the main ingredients, how do you expect yourself to make a good meal? It might seem alright for you since you can compensate with the bitterness or saltiness. But do you think it would be alright for your mum to taste? It's time to do a self check. Like editing an essay, going skimming and scanning over and over again and fixing all the grammatical and spelling errors. And what more than a better time to improve yourself than in the month of Muharram itself, no? And on the Mcdonald's boycott issue on the other hand, first of all you've gotta understand that there are many things in Malaysia, even those used for everyday activities are of an Israeli product. Sometimes you don't even know that it is because who knows, even products with an Islamic name might belong to them. I'm not accusing, but I'm just saying, do your homework. But I know how hard it is sometimes, because we want to use things that has quality. We don't want to use things that get worn off in a few weeks, or you might have sensitive skin, so you'll need a specific type of body wash. So what do we do ladies and gents? What do we do? Malaysia is a developing country. I don't think we're that left behind on technology, are we? I'm pretty sure I heard that there'll be a 1Malaysia tab... Or something like that. So why not we be less dependent on others, and start learning to be innovative, and responsible, and creative, and independent. I had recently read a blog post on related to this issue, and part of it reads: "Rangkaian restoran makanan segera terbesar dunia McDonalds hari ini mengumumkan penutupan 110 cawangan restoran mereka di Jepun. Penutupan besar-besaran ini terpaksa dilakukan kerana mereka tidak mampu lagi menanggung kerugian yang semakin meningkat sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. September lalu jumlah jualan menurun sebanyak 2.2% lagi dan penyusutan ini sudah berlarutan sejak gempa bumi besar yang berlaku tahun lalu. I don't know how true this is. But it'll do. I've been thinking about this for quite some time, and someone just happened to post about it, and well, lucky me, now I have a good example to use. Many people, being too excited, mistaken this as Japanese boycotting McDonalds. When truth to be told, they just have better healthier(perhaps) choices. AND not to mention cheaper. That's exactly what we need! That's what Malaysia needs. I know it's not easy to start something new, but in sya Allah, with the appropriate knowledge, enough money and the right intention, I'm pretty sure we could do the same. It's hard resisting fast food isn't it. I mean, if you're on the go, and you're on a tight budget, where would you get your lunch, hmm? We already have an RFC, but sadly it isn't available in all states. Unless there are other fast food restaurants based in Malaysia that I am unaware of, I say we need one right now. So if any of you who is reading this right now, if you happen to have the knowledge and the money, or know how to make the money or get the money, then dude! Take this idea, go sit in a corner with a bag of treats and THINK ABOUT IT. Or if you're good friends with the Prime Minister(or any kind of Dato' or Tan Sri will do) then tell it to the boss and call it kedai makan 1Malaysia for all I care. These is the time when we start being smart. And I mean it. I'm pretty sure we can. At least, my generation can. I know it. I really think we have the potential. We just need to explore it a bit more(or a lot) and not waste it on being kinky on social medias and playing around with smartphone apps alone. :( Before I end this post, I would just like to apologise if I might have sounded offensive or inappropriate. I, by any means, have no intention to and you know that. Don't say you don't! I'll leave you with a few links and videos that I recommend you to read and watch. Til then, amigos. Konflik Israel-Palestin Untuk Dummies by Angel Pakai Gucci Janji Allah - Kemenangan Atas Israel Laknatulullah by Hamasah As-Syabab Labels: Islam 1 comments ![]() ![]() © 2006-2011 The Real Life. All rights reserved. *Best viewed in Chrome (1280 x 800 pixels) |