Just Quote Me Sunday, March 28, 2010 ( 12:09 pm )
"If you can't be original, be spicy. If you can't be spicy at all, then just remain a chicken."
Allow me to explain: A KFC chicken is either original or spicy. You pick your pick. If you pick spicy, you add a little something to the original recipe, but it will not taste like the original AT ALL. That's spicy. In other words, you can have role models, and follow the goodness of that role model. Or you can have inspirations and let that inspiration inspire you as much as you want it to. Above all that, you still have to be YOU. But if you can't be the real deal, and if all you do is fake around, lie and pretend you're the best, when actually you're just copying someone else, why don't you just be a chicken because that's what you are. Why not? You're just afraid to be yourself aren't you?
NOTE: This Just Quote is dedicated to the non-original, good-for-nothing, I-think-I'm-all-that-but-I'm-not copycats. I would just like to let everyone know, that I'm actually quite passionate about my writing. I'm absolutely annoyed by those who take my work and make it theirs. Nice to know if I'm an inspiration. But I wasn't born yesterday. It's not my fault you feel so insecure. So don't be such a (insert vulgar word here).
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