Sunday, January 15, 2012 ( 12:04 am )

Salaam and Hola, amigos! It’s been a long time since I wrote anything here at The Real Life. Approximately two months since my last long one. Hence, it is possible for me to write another long long post. And trusting my instincts, I sense a prettyyyy long one will be coming up soon. *wink*

But before that, on “where have you been in December?”. Well, December’s been a pretty hectic month for me. I had the short film competition to work on(which I had represented my programme’s association Persatuan Pelajar Pemulihan Cara Kerja(PPPCK) and Alhamdulillah, had won 2nd runner-up), tons of assignments to do, two important presentations to present, two little kids to take care of(my younger brother and sister ofcourse, not kids of my own) and studying for my final exams(this is also means that I am carrying a large amount of sleep debt, have heavier undereye bags and darker dark cirlces!Sigh). Doing a bachelor’s degree is a pretty tricky thing, and my final exams had been pretty tough, but insyaAllah I’ll get through it well with hopes I can do well and learn well. Besides, we should be learning to know and not just to pass exams. At the end of the day, it’s just a piece of paper, and quality is better than quantity. I have one paper left, which is my Anantomy and Physiology paper, so wish me luck everyone!

So what's new for The Real Life? Well.. I have an extremely long post in my drafts dying to be published. Apparently, it took my quite some time to write a very “mantap” entry. I really wanted to write a good and effective one, something that can be beneficial to all and also serve as a reminder to me. I did my homework, look for the right resources, get permission from the people featured here and so do await for it patiently! InsyaAllah, it will be worth your read. :)

Well, I have to go now and do more revision on bones and muscles and how the heart works. Til we meet again, goodluck to me and keep smiling! Work it, while you still can B-)

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