Food for thought
Thursday, August 11, 2011 ( 8:32 pm )

If you're wondering where I've been, what happened to me and so on and so forth, well I hereby give you the answers.
No.1, No, I did not die. If I did, you would be pissing in your pants right now wondering if I am a ghost. (Y)
No.2 no, I did not fast only up to the 4th day of Ramadhan because that was the last post of The Real Life. I did, however, fast until the 6th day, then that menstrual cycle started on the next so..... Yeah.
No.3, no, I was not stranded on some island. I already live on an island. Why do I want to be stranded some more?
No.4, yes, I did not feel like writing anything. Alot of things happened. And when I say things, try not think of the worst, will you? Things as in occasions or events or anything related to that matter.
No.5, yes, I've been online and I just want some "me quality time". Nevertheless, I have been trying to get my "Loco-motion" on(the name of my Youtube channel. wink), but sometimes life is like a pain the arse and it just so happens my laptop has a webcam which I shall put in the category of crapola(thank you Jack Black for making that term work like a charm).

Well that's that. I'm sorry if you were hoping for an everyday update of Ramadhan from me. I was hoping for the same thing from myself. However, I do not want to force myself to write for the sake of another post as I always believe we should write what we want, write what we have to say, and write because we want to and not because we want to please other people, not because we wish to gain popularity, not because we want more friends, not because we need to keep the archive going.

At one point, I cared. I cared about whoever was reading. I cared whether they liked whatever I'm writing. I cared whether they even care what I wrote. I cared about gaining more followers, and not just more followers but more readers. I cared about those popular bloggers who seemed to be very famous nowadays but really you can't seem to find that interesting bit of their blog. I JUST DON'T GET IT! But I cared, still. Somehow. But I guess I have come to my senses(I think) and I just want to stop caring... For the time being. LOL. It is a bit ridiculous. It really is. And it almost seems like I'm forgetting who I really am, who The Free Skater is, what The Real Life means to me. I'm not going to stop caring in a bad way. Sometimes, you just have to make it about you because this is you and no one can stop you from being you. And I have noticed that sometimes, or some people, me you anyone whoever whatever, we're lost. And we don't know who we are. We try to be someone we're not. But we are always meant to be who we are. When everyone wants to be friends with the popular kids in school, they forget who their real friends are. Shall we be who we are? I know I've got a lot of flaws, and I know I sometimes want to be more out there. Sometimes, though. But hey, I'm also speaking for myself. And there are no fingers being pointed to. No worries. ;)

I guess everyone goes through the same issue. It's just a matter of time. A matter of how you overcome it. Brilliantly or not. Nevertheless, we should never try to be someone we're not. We should always be who we are. And when it's that way, no matter what your personality traits are like, no matter how your physical appears to the eyes of others, it feels better. And it gives a better meaning to your life. Screw those who don't like you. Screw those who keep rubbing their beauty in your face. Screw those who think they're all that. You know you have it, darling! So start snapping those fingers, and pamper yourself.

When in doubt, tell yourself, THEY are NOTHING like YOU, and YOU are NOTHING like THEM.

Well then, that's some food for thought, no? Til we meet again amigos. Adios!

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