Be Practical, Don't Be Silly Thursday, August 18, 2011 ( 11:42 pm )
First things first, amigos. Did you know that Glee 3D is out? Well it's out alright! OUT!
Go watch it! GO GLEEKS! GO!
*Please note that all of the below was written two days ago.*
What's me without doing any last minute work? In this case, the medical checkup I'm supposed to do which is on of the requirements for entering any university. Come to think of it, it's not THAT last minute, but to my mother,"if everyone else has done it, it's last minute. And you are not a pro at last minute work... Like me." Uh, alright then mommayh.
I've learnt a few things today. Obviously, the first thing would be LAST MINUTE WORK = THE MUSIC IN MUM'S NAGGING. (Y) Good to know I have a mum that cares. Nevertheless, she is 54 and most probably approaching that menopause phase. Love you anyways, Ibu. *wink*
Second of all would be to always have a notebook and a pen in handy. Just in case you have this crazy idea for a blog post and you just can't afford to forget any of them. Like what I'm doing right now. I'm writing all of these shizzay in this old Mickey Mouse book I bought during my Matriculation days just for the sake of pleasing my "oh-so beloved" English teacher as she wanted all of us to have a class journal and write whatever shizzay we could think of in class.
And now I shall continue at the clinic while waiting for the doctor. Again, mum leaves me here and takes off to run some errands. Yet, another chance to write. Yeay me :D So folks.. Shall we talk about language today? This isn't really a "pick out from the hat" topic. Just so happened I was chit chatting with this chinese lady, in her 50s perhaps, and she was kinda stunned I had "The Friendship Book 1997" by Francis Gay(all-time favourite) in my hand. Like, rrealllyy stunned. So why do I choose to write The Real Life in English? Do I think I'm all that when I write in English? Am I confused about my nationality? Can I speak as how I write? You could be asking these questions. You could be asking even more, be it worse or better. Well, I've tried story-telling before but I sort of blew it, hence am no story-teller! Not like any of the pros anyway. But I do write stories. In a way, I, too, am telling you stories. Stories of The Real Life by The Free Skater. And that's just it! That's just it. This is what it is. It's not a form of flipping my hair in your face. It's just that it is a choice of mine and I really am happy this way. Tapi tak bermaksud saya tak reti berbahasa Melayu. Be practical amigos, don't be silly. And I have no idea how long this post is going to be, but hey, whatever, I'm gonna continue anyway. Proceed reading, if you wish.
Everyone has their rights, and you know it. Everyone has the right to choose, to do what they want. Well, let's just hope the choices we make are possibly the best ones. Not necessarily the RIGHT ones, but the BEST ones. Just to allow some mistake-making to take place. Just so that we could learn something, hey? It's all good, folks!
So it doesn't matter what language you prefer. As long as you're comfortable with it, to hell with what others think! You're not turning against your country, or your race, or anything. Unless those are your intentions, well.. That's definitely a different story. If you're good with the words, then that's just an added bonus. In The Real Life, we are an equal. Except those who don't want to be an equal. You could just.. Yeah, take a hike? Don't be afraid to be yourself. Jangan malu, jangan segan. Kalau malu, tetap mahu, kan? Si amigos? Huzah!
So please, please, please, have you enough with the underestimations?
Til then! *waves*
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