Lesson of the week
Friday, July 09, 2010 ( 7:45 pm )

Lesson of the week:

When nothing goes wrong, and everything falls into place, you say it's like a perfect picture puzzle.

When it all goes bad, you don't know where you are, you're at the peak of giving up, you hate everything around you, you get upset over the smallest things, you think the puzzles are all over the place.

But, think again. And then someone comes up to you, doing their best to understand and be patient, doing everything it takes to give you faith when yours is gone, you say it's a puzzled picture. Its not perfect, but its beautiful.

And when everyone turns their back against you, there's only one person left who turns around to look at you, that's what makes your eyes open big and wide, you see everything ever so clearly, and that's when you realize you've got the best right with you. So why throw it all away?

I admit. I am sometimes at fault, being too annoying, not being much of a student, a daughter, a sister, a friend, even a girlfriend. But when the worst comes, and I managed to overcome it, our relationships: stronger than ever.

I have the best with me. I'm not throwing it all away.
I have wonderful parents, the most loving brothers and sisters, the best friend and the greatest lover.
They are my perfectly unperfect puzzled picture.
The beauty that fills my life.

I love them dearly. And I dedicate my life to make their love towards me grow each day :)

To Kak Yaya, this is jiwang. I know. Si.
To Abang Hakim, don't say that I haven't wrote any ayat bunga-bunga for you.

Sekali-sekala. Apa salahnya.

til then, keep spreading the love around. While you still can, and, while others can still feel it.

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