The return of me
Saturday, May 29, 2010 ( 11:43 pm )

Oh blogger how I miss you so. I apologize for the sudden disappearance. Apparently I've been busy as a bee. Oh how so much has happened! Good and bad.

So much to tell, so little time.

I'm currently studying in Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang, doing Biological Science. As some of you may already know, time isn't really on my side as I have a lot of work and assignments to finish off, as well as presentations and study groups to do. So there you go. You have you're answer to your question that has been floating about for quite sometime.

I like it there. The people are quite nice. But sometimes I just feel like a chicken in a pressure cooker. A live one. I don't seem to get them sometimes. Or maybe they just don't get me. I am trying real hard to do it right. But they all seem the same! And I'm just me. I sing on my way to class, dance in the hallways when no one's looking, I like doing things differently. But being creative just seems so wrong there. Is it that they are not ready to accept it yet? Or is it just me, overreacting, as usual, again? Honestly, I don't know. Sometimes I hate the way they think. So passive; making such a big deal out of the smallest things. I crave for blogging. But I just don't have the time for it. How it kills me inside when every single time I get an idea for a post, it goes away as if it got blown away by the wind.

Then I stop this thought before it goes beyond the "valley of sadness". I tell myself to give it time. Give them time. Give me time. It has only been three weeks. Too soon to tell, no? Well let us all wait and see what will happen.

In the meantime, I'd like to thank Jann of for giving me this award:

I feel honoured. :)

Now I have to pick 15 others more to give this award to. So await the results, as it will come out in my next post, which will be anytime soon.

To all bloggers, nuffnangers, ozbloggers, etc, I apologize once again for goin M.I.A. I'll promise to give my best for each and every opportunity to blog I get.

Til then, study smart and keep smiling :)

p/s: If you, too, go to KMPP, do come up to me and say hi. :)

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