Thursday, March 25, 2010 ( 12:29 am )

Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls.
Oh my. Is this true?
Why yes.
It is.
It's not a camera.
It's not an SLR.
It's a Pen.
Or so that's how I think the tag line goes. Whatever. THE JUICE: Olympus has released a member to the Pen series. And it is.... (drum roll please), Pen E-PL1.
Now, I'm not really sure which is better; Pen E-PL1 OR Pen E-P1? Both look pretty dashing and vintage to me(which is one of the reasons why my eyes got glued to the telly when I saw its commercial *yikesss*. Oh, while I was watching Glee on Starworld *a-must-mention*). I'm not really into SLRs because it seems like everyone has it now. My problem is I don't really like having something someone else has too(bad habit. Double yikes). Well now that I've caught my eyes on it. I think I want one. Although, I feel that my heart was made for the other Pen.
Oh so help me God :D

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