Excuse me Mr, World, do take note
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 ( 7:18 pm )

So there's this girl.
She's a real good friend of mine.
A good friend of mine indeed.
Fair skin, pretty polly and a lil bit shorter than me :P
Great person with a great personality and a grreaattt family.
She is the strongest girl I have ever met. Well, one of them that is.
On the outside, I'm not so sure cz I haven't really seen her in action. LOL.
But on the inside, she's one heck of a tough kid.
I'm sure she hasn't noticed how strong she is.
No one would at times we feel weak the most.
So I just felt like letting the world know.

Oh ya, her name is Sha(no it's not me. It's Shazwana). *Saluuuute :)

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