Monday, September 29, 2008 ( 11:31 pm )

Status: Sakit tangan.
Stop kejap buat ketupat.

Raya's a day away !
Can't wait to serve little kids my homemade chocolate chip cookies and cornflake biscuit. (yumyum)
Can't wait to send raya wishes to my friends and teachers. and ofcourse, my FAMILY.
Can't wait to eat raya food !!!
Can't wait to sing raya songs with mum. hehe
Can't wait for alot of happy, joyful moments.
If only kak yaya and abang hakim were here, :(


Been in the kitchen the whole day making ketupat.
Lipat-lipat part is done. Masuk nasi part is in progress. Trust me, boleh putus tangan buat ketupat nih. LOL. Mum's been busy turning the house upside down and decorating it. Hope all our efforts will some up to something awesome, stunning and most importantly, able to satisfy the stomach. hahh (:

Oh, mum's almost home. Gotta get back to masuk-ing the nasi part.

Til we meet again, selamat hari raya !

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