Welcome to my zoo
Tuesday, July 08, 2008 ( 8:11 pm )

I here by present you the list of animals that've entered my home by accident(more like they lost they're way):
a mocking bird(wakes me up every morning. my best friend.wink*)
a cat
a thin black snake
a big fat lizard better known as 'biawak'
a kingfisher and
... a BAT(I seriously had no idea where it came from, but seriously, it was lost.poor thing).

Oh, and I almost forgot. I have a bird cemetary in my back garden. Let's pray for the poor little birdies.

Funny eh? My home has become a zoo :) It looks like a cake on the outside, though. Hrmm. Will update if new species of classes of animals enter my lovely paradise-ish home.

p/s: mum's picture is in the Star Metro(North), check it out. Forgot which page, but look for the title "Volunteers Needed For Special Kids"..I think. Here's the online link http://thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp?file=/2008/7/8/north/21754246&sec=north

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