dream catch me when I fall
Thursday, June 12, 2008 ( 8:48 pm )

Dream catch me when I fall.. out of bed.
Hows that for an intro? hehe
Ibu was away for a few days, so I had to go to school by the school bus. And sadly the school bus picks us up at 5.30 AM (us as in me, awin and her brother). So I had to wake up at 4.30 am for two days. Thank goodness my mum is now back at home. Now I can go to school as always.. LATE ! :D such as the saying in my class, better late. (4T kids will understand what I'm talking about) ;)

had a really tough week. trying really hard to make things better. i'm really sorry if ive offended any of you, and that would be the least thing i want to do. i dont have the guts to face any of you, as i am a big fat coward. hope any of you do read this, I'M SORRY and thanks for being patient with my silly atitude.

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